Monday, May 14, 2007

I Got Some 'Splainin' to Do!

Ok -- I confess -- I have been a total BLOG LOSER the last, ohhh, let's say... MONTH! I cannot believe it has been that long since I have posted. SO my excuses are the usual -- travelling, work, SHINE, kids, family in town...anyway, I'm back in the blogosphere -- and the neighborhood hasn't changed a bit!

To catch up, can I backtrack to London? I went to London around April 21st to attend the Colour Your World Conference led by Pastor Bobbie Houston from Hillsong Church. This is an amazing conference that gathers 30,000 women across 3 continents annually (Sydney, London, and Kiev). That means she and her teams do that conference 3 times a year! This year, the theme was, "A Revolution in Value." How cool is that? I will tell you how cool. God spoke to my heart last year that them theme of SHINE 2008 should be "Love Revolution." Basically, a revolution of love. So it was really cool to show up at this conference pioneered by a woman who I totally respect, and the word of God is the same on both of our hearts. I am very blessed to be able to see on a global scale what God is doing among His daughters across the earth. More on that at a later date -- but much aligned with Stovall's message at SHINE this year.

Anyway in London I got to give a testimony to the Ladies at the Hillsong network about living the "YES" life. God is so good -- I met some great gals from Germany (cute little 28 year old and her husband have a church of 500 -- a full-on rvevivial in Europe!) and some incredible women from Holland who are pioneering a new day for women in the European church in that area. It's incredible to see some many people from so many different places with the same Spirit, and the same passion.

Then I got stuck in an elevator. I have always been afraid of heights, and one of my worst fears has been being in an elevator as it was plummeting down out of control. Well -- ok -- I was only on the second floor, but me and Lisa Stewart noticed the elevator acting kind of funky on the way up and thought we would take the stairs on the way down. But, in the fun of the afternoon meeting, we forgot and crammed in the elevator with Lori Champion, and her friend Debbie, Bobbie Houston, Lisa Bevere, and Chris Caine. So I'm pumped really, because I'm on the the elevator with all the key speakers -- how awesome is that? Then, clank,clank -- zoom! the elevator takes off falling down. And BAM! It crashes to a halt between floors. It was so funny to watch everyone's reactions. Lori - sangiune -- goes, "Oh, my gosh! Quick let's take pictures!" (Which she still has, and when she sends them to me I will post them), then me and Lisa just sit back and watch, Bobbie and Lisa Bevere just keep talking and don't even bat an eye, and Chris -- never one to stand by and just let something happen -- immediaitely drops to the floors, calls emergency and orchestrates a rescue.

This post is getting long, but I have to say something about SHINE -- I will save it for a different post, because it deserves it's own space.

To all my girls out there who I haven't heard from in awhile, I love ya'll. I could not ask for a better group of people to do life with than the ones we pastor at Celebration Church! Look for more on SHINE to come soon. In the mean time, live beautifully!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh!! the elevator plumet is my worst fear too!! i have awful nightmares about it! weird...

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