Sunday, March 11, 2007

Not So Perfect

Hey, everybody -- just want to thank all of you for your comments. I can't respond to all of them, but I sincerely enjoy reading them. Well, I haven't posted in a few days, and one thing I know about this blogging thing is you have to keep up with it. So here it is, Sunday night, and I am sitting on my couch watching "Barbie: Swan Lake" with Annabelle. Stovie is running in and out to watch the fight scenes -- otherwise he is disinterested -- too girly.

So my big thought of the day is PERFECTIONISM. The dictionary defines "perfectionism" as a disposition that deems anything less than perfect as unacceptable OR a belief that pefection is actually attainable. I just started realizing today how often I procrastinate or put off things altogether simply becuse I can't do it exactly the way I imagine it should be done.

For example -- I want to post pictures on my blog. That's the way Pastor Dino Rizzo does it ( and I like that. I want to do it too. But I'm having trouble uploading pics. Anyway, Friday morning I went to the gym and when I walked in I saw Meredeth Springer, Lisa Stewart, and Debbie Lindsay there. then Tarik Stewart and James Price walked up and we were all talking about church life. I thought, "How awesome that we can see at the gym the people we work with everyday and we still want to be around each other --- AND talk about work!" I felt so blessed at that moment. I thought it would be a great thing to post on my blog to share with you guys. So we went and found Stovall and took a picture together by the bench press.

Fast forward three days -- no post.Why? Because I couldn't post the picture, and I did't want to do it "half-way." Because I was so caught up in doing it right, I lost sight of the purpose of the blog --- to stay connected. So I am sitting here thinking, how many other ways do I let unrealistic expectations, or perfectionism hold me back... I don't have time to list them here, but trust me, it's too many.

Anyway --- baptism by fire today. Stovall and I were out at OP today and guess who was on video doing the sermon out there? You guessed it! Me! If you've been around me for any length of time you know how much I hate seeing and/or hearing myself on video. I make it the goal of my life to NEVER have to see myself on film. But today I had to sit through 2 whole services and watch myself. You know what? It wasn't that bad. Yes, I made mistakes. Yes there were times I thought, "Ouch, bad camera angle." But overall, I was pleasantly surprised to find that most of my issues were just in my mind, not reality. Again, I thought if I can't do it perfectly, I don't want it on film for everyone else to see. What I realized today is that my mistakes don't stop other people from receiving the word, but if I get caught up in trying to be perfect? Now that could be a serious hinderance on my life! Anyway -- time to tuck the kids on bed. Its' a school night.

Love you girls. Live beautifull, and don't forget about Joyce Meyer on Wednesday!
Love, Kerri xoxo


Unknown said...

Hello Kerri,
Great message today! Indeed, those issues were just in your mind, because you did an awesome job. We definitely received the word and that's the most important thing, so stop worrying :-) I thank God every day for leading me to Celebration Church...

Love, Alexandra Latten -OP Campus

luvnevrfails said...

I don't know of anyone who doesn't want everything that they touch to go or come out perfect and setting expectations of perfection is an area that we all can use some growth in. For me I like to see the imperfections because those imperfections keep it real for me. Sometimes perfection can be boring and who wants to be a bore? Not me... So I say take me as I am... Ha Ha... Seriously though, I understand that we want things to go as well as they can possibly go, but sometimes that means being imperfect.

Missed ya today....

Priscilla Williams-Deerwood

Hollyraerae said...

Hey Kerri!
so i finally made one of these things.. now i can comment on yours! yay! lol. thanks for everything. if you only knew what you've done for me.. :) your amazing! God Bless! shalom!

Jan Crisostomo said...

Boy, do I understand the thing about perfectionism! Especially when I am signing..I want it to be just right; but I have learned the most important thing is the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the attitude of my heart, and knowing
that God is my holding these hands
and teaching me as I go!
I had an awesome experience on Friday night, Kerri, where the Pastor of the Deaf church here in Jax prayed for me...right in Starbuck's! The Holy Spirit came
right on the spot as he asked Him
to anoint my hands with oil, to make my signs smooth, to give me wisdom, keeping my heart pure, (that I am standing up there for the Deaf and not myself) fitting me together with the speaker so that their personality
showed through, not mine. All of
these were things I had already
prayed to the Lord about, so it was a wonderful confirmation that I am on the right path.
And I realized as I read your blog
that perfection had nothing to do
with my ministry...a desire for
excellence, yes, but where I am now
(the knowledge I have at this moment or at times I feel the lack of it) is not to stop me from trying; and I can do my best while He is holding my hands, and that is good enough!
After all, the Holy Spirit is the best teacher there is, right? So, we can all step out into new things
and spread our wings, knowing He will be right there to catch us..and all we have to gain is more knowledge and the chance to touch more lives..all the more reason to stretch!

Margie Marshall said...

I love how real you are Kerri!!!!!!


Corey Austin said...

I love to hear you speak! It is encouragement to me as I try to determine exactly where God will lead me. I have a desire to attend Bible college but I have no idea what direction God would have me go with it. The past few weeks, the Lord has put woman after woman in front of me...speaking...keeping it real. From Beth Moore, Pastor Kerri, Pastor Taryn, and this coming wednesday Joyce Meyer!!!
Don't change a thing Kerri!
Corey Austin
Middleburg Campus

Anonymous said...

Kerri -

Perfectionism is something I have stuggled with my whole life. It was a gift from my father. = ) I used to think it was such a good thing, growing up watching Michael Jackson, a master perfectionist. But I began to realize years ago that it was more of a bad thing - a prison that leaves you feeling unworthy. It's so unhealthy and as God continues to rid of me that disease it is so good to know that you, at the level you are in your walk with God, still struggle with it, too. It's so encouraging to know that we can relate with those we look up to. It gives hope for attaining our goal of constantly reaching higher and gives encouragment that we're on the right road. Thanks for sharing your weaknesses and vulnerabilities, Kerri. Love you so much for it.



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