Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Next Step

I'm writing this post to let all of you out there know that we will not be resuming our Thursday Celebration Women meetings, at Midtowne (Deerwood) and OP in the fall. Beginning in the early spring of this year I became unsettled about the CW meetings and began to really seek God about how they fit into the bigger picture of what He wanted to do in Celebration Church as a whole. Late in the spring, God began to speak to Stovall's heart strongly about groups, and I knew that the season for the Thursday meetings had come to a close.

Celebration Women has been great as it has rallied together a group of women who have a heart to see the women in our church rise to their fullest potential. Its been a great training ground and a very precious season in my life. But now I feel like we have to take all the energy we were spending on those meetings and put that into groups.

I want to thank all the women who are on my ministry team that made those meetings happen every week. They are awesome world-lifters, and I am so honored to have them on my team. Many of then will transition into the role of group leader, so I am sure the ministry and leadership will continue to increase in their lives.

I want to stress that Celebration Women is not about a meeting, but is about the caliber of woman that arises from the ranks of Celebration Church. About 2.5 years ago I wrote a vision of womanhood for the women in our church called, "The Woman that I see." That dream resounds stronger than ever in my heart today, and groups are the next step in developing the potential in all of the precious women and girls God has entrusted to our care. Here it is for those of you who have never read it before. Love you girls!

LB xoxo


The woman that I see…

…Knows her value in the eyes of God, and seeks to live a life of choices that attest to her intrinsic worth.

…Understands that she is invited to participate in God’s amazing adventure to rescue humanity, and that she is integral and irreplaceable in His plan.

..Loves her femininity, and values the unique contribution that womanhood brings to the table of life.

…Lives generously, opening her heart to ever-increasing capacity for the kingdom of God.

…Walks in wisdom and kindness, strength and dignity and confers worth on every person she encounters.

…Is filled with joy, and a passion for life. Even when life brings trials her way, she brings forth treasure from them.

…Knows who she is, where she is going, and how she is going to get there. She equips herself to finish strong on the journey of life.

…Is in love with the House of God, desperate for the presence of God, and positions herself to encounter God, to hear from God, and to be used by God.

…Surrounds herself with friends who inspire and encourage her to live her best life for the kingdom. She positions herself to inspire others.

…Knows and values God-breathed friendship; she fights to protect those she loves.

…Shines like a star in the universe, holding out the Word of Life, and clothing her world in salvation.

1 comment:

nursetinkheather said...

Sorry to hear about the CW meetings, but you're right, sometimes there are bigger things in store. Will you, and Pastor Katie be speaking on the weekends? I enjoy hearing you both preach, and look forward to what Celebration has to come.

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