Friday, June 8, 2007

Look What You're Doing in Zimbabwe!

Just had to pass this along to all of you who are givng toward Imagine. Some of you may know/remember that 10% of everything that we take in for imagine goes directly to Africa to help with the AIDS crisis there. Here is the church plant we just did there through Children's Cup. We planted a church in Zimbabwe, called Oasis of life, which also serves as a carepoint. You can find out more about carepoints on the chidren's cup site. Also, to read more details about the church in Zimbabwe, read Ben Rodgers' blog. Scroll down to the Oasis of Life Post. It sounds like an African version of Cleberation Church! You can also view pics online here. I am so proud to be part of such a giving church. Our mission team goes to Zimbabwe to work at this church at the end of July, so keep them in your prayers. Looks like the picture above is a youth meeting at the church -- go Jesus!

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